
4 Ways to Add Some Sizzle to Your Business This Summer

Don’t give in to the lazy days of summer! A few ideas for adding some sizzle to your business:

1) Raise your profile with hot-weather giveaways.
Offer a freebie – ice cream cones, logoed mister bottles – for anyone who comes in your store or office on days the thermometer hits 90.

2) Follow the crowds.
As potential customers and clients spend more time out of doors and with family over the summer months, stop waiting for them to walk through your door. Go where they are! Donate and hand out water bottles at a local farmer’s market, festival, or fundraiser, for example. Just make sure everyone in your group has on a company t-shirt!

3) Finish your spring cleaning!
Hire a new grad or high-schooler to finish what you (should have!) started this spring: clearing your office of those papers, files, and unread magazines. (See “Spring Clean Your Business in 5 Satisfying Steps.”) Even a job that lasts a week or two may be just what some local kid is looking for. And what better way to beat the lazy days of summer than giving yourself a jump start on productivity by finally getting your files organized?

4) Get outside… and brainstorm.
Even if summer is your busiest season, schedule some time to head outside and let the sun’s relaxing rays help your thoughts flow. Where would you like to see your business the second half of the year? What sort of marketing should you be budgeting for in the next six months?

Sure, these sessions may end up with a snooze in the sun – but reflecting on where you are and where you’re headed is never a bad thing. And, come Labor Day Weekend, you won’t have to say, “I was so busy, I didn’t get outside once all summer!”